After the opening speech, a plenary talk and discussions were held under the title "Discussion of the Materials for the Public Analytical Report on Photonics Development in Russia", with introduction given by Alexey K. Ponomarev, Skoltech Vice-President for Industry Cooperation and Innovation. Different chapters were presented by Pavel S. Dorozhkin, principal research scientist at Skoltech center of Photonics & Quantum Materials (CPQM), Arkadi V. Chipouline, Darmstadt Technical University & Skoltech, Alexey A. Romanov, Deputy General Director for Science, JC Russian Space Systems and Professor Vladimir P. Drachev from Skoltech.
During the two days of discussions, several topics of common interest in the fields of Optical data communications and Optical interconnects, Optical data processing and storage, Optical detectors and sensors, Optical navigation and location systems, Integrated optics, and Biophotonics were covered.
The participants unanimously emphasized the importance of coordination of activities in Photonics between BRICS countries. The participants noted that the conference objectives were met, the high quality of presentations, and significant problems discussed.
In addition, the Conference held a session on the Analytical Report on Development in Photonics in the Russian Federation. This report contained directions of potential importance for fundamental and applied research, analysis of resources in Russia and abroad, as well as market assessments. The above topics were actively discussed by both the Russian and foreign participants.
At the conclusion of the session BRICS participants suggested analogous documents should be prepared by other BRICS countries. At the end of the Conference, participants enthusiastically welcomed a call for proposals for BRICS multilateral research projects (Pilot call 2016) recently announced by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.